Growing Wild Forest School would like to invite you to experience the magic of forest school- for free!
On the first Saturday of every month we host a free Nature Play & Open House event that is open to all in the community. Can't make it on February 1? Come join us during the week!
*Throughout the month of February we are inviting all prospective families of 3-6 year olds to see what forest school is all about. Parent/guardians may bring their child at 9am for a private meet & greet with our teachers, and then to observe our morning check-in and school day rituals beginning at 9:30. After snack time at 10:30, the adult may choose to continue to observe the school quietly from a distance, or leave the child for the brief remainder of the session which ends at noon.
Advanced reservations are required. Please call 828.761.1497 or email for more information, and to book your free day in February!